Thursday, November 8, 2012

A big ball of awesome

   I know Thanksgiving is still a ways away but its gotten me thinking about what to be grateful for. My list seems to get longer every year so I'll start with my favorite. My son.

   I know I may be biased because he's my child but he really is an incredible person. He's fun, handsome and knows how to have a good time. He's smart, thoughtful and a great snuggler. He makes me laugh. He's got my back and I've got his.

   I'm savoring every childhood moment with him as he grows up. I'm so incredibly proud to be his mom. Hes a big ball of awesome. I see alot of myself in him and its very humorous to me. Someday he's going to be a grown man and I feel confident that we will be great friends. Although, I'd say were pretty good friends already.